In winter it is particularly important to provide adequate resting areas. Animals need a dry, clean, draught-free place to protect them from the cold during the night. This is especially true for young animals, which often need more attention.
Frequent cleaning of bedding and stalls is important to avoid bacteria and possible udder and foot diseases.
Newborn lambs and calves require special care in winter. It is important to ensure drying and access to raw milk for proper active immunisation. Provide dry bedding and straw blankets in case of cold housing and separate pens for suckler cows and calves in case of larger herds.
Pay special attention to calving animals and, if they need help, ask a veterinarian or an experienced animal handler for assistance.
The condition and health of water troughs should also be monitored at all times. If the water freezes, the animals cannot drink. If necessary, it may be useful to install a heated fibre drinker to prevent freezing from causing problems.
On dairy farms, it is essential that aisles and milking parlours are slip resistant. Sand, sawdust and straw can help reduce the risk of injury.
Ensure that feed is of adequate quality and quantity. Supplementation with vitamins and trace elements is important because animals have little access to pasture in winter. Provide them with salt for licking and make sure that drinking water is always available.
Don't forget dogs and cats. Pets living in the garden should have an insulated enclosure of their own size in which they can live comfortably but which can be heated in winter. In winter, it should be lined with straw and the entrance covered with curtains.
Responsible husbandry requires care and attention from the breeder even in winter. By taking the right measures, the animals can spend the winter months in good health and keep the farm running.
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