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Fruit and vegetable


Company name: Agrohof Kft.

CEO: László Földvári

Address: 6064 Tiszaug, Bokros tanya 16.

Statistical number: 25366895-4511-113-03

Tax number: 25366895-2-03


Service provider:

DigitalOcean, LLC.

101 Avenue of the Americas, 10th Floor

New York, NY 10013

Web: www.digitalocean.com


Data of the service provider responsible for system messages, newsletters:

Company name: Amazon Web Services, Inc.

410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210





Service provider responsible for domain name management, business correspondence:

Name: MikroVPS Ltd.

Address: 1096 Budapest, Sobieski János utca 19-21/A

101096/1793, address: 1096/1793, 1096/1793, Budapest, Hungary

EU VAT number: HU25189861

Contact details of the customer service:

E-mail: support@mikrovps.hu

Telephone: +36 94 200 210


Internet contact: https://mikrovps.hu

Privacy policy: https://www.mikrovps.net/hu/about-us/privacy-policy