Many of you may not have thought about how useful the cultivator is in agriculture. In our article, we will show you how it can help the everyday life of the business, how it makes work and the land easier, how this care will thank you!
The cultivators not only improve the aeration of the field, remove weeds, maintain the moisture content of the soil, stimulate the activity of microorganisms, but also improve the nutrient supply of the soil. How interesting, isn't it?!
So what exactly is a cultivator and what does it do? More importantly, what is best for you? You will be surprised to know that there are different types of cultivators available depending on what you need!
Let's see how it works!
These tools are crushing the soil before planting, it is, how they prepare the soil for the start of cultivation. By rooting out weeds, unlike a plow that breaks up the soil surface, cultivators are designed to only loosen the topsoil.
Since these are the smallest tillage machines, their primary purpose is to prepare the soil for plant growth. In addition, they can be safely used for the following gardening tasks:
Improving and preparing the soil
Cultivators have enough power to loosen various soil conditions so that we can prepare for planting. Larger clods are broken into small pieces with the help of hoes and discs. This way the plants get more air and water. In addition, it helps in mixing the soil with other ingredients such as manure, compost, fertilizer, etc.
Weed control
Cultivators also help in the effective removal of weeds. This is because when you place the hoes on the ground, it loosens the soil and weeds as well. This makes it much easier to pull out and keep weeds at bay.
Advantages of using the cultivator
You can save time and money! Preparing the soil by hand is a tedious task that consumes a lot of time and energy. While you may think a cultivator is an extra expense, it will save you money and time in the long run. It does its job quickly, and you can focus on planting instead of worrying about soil quality.
Quality Tillage Work
Although cultivators are not as powerful as tillers, they can still cultivate and prepare the field for efficient planting. Plus, with their versatility and multiple uses, you get more than you pay for. You can do more work with better results!
How to choose the right cultivator for us?
Each machine has different advantages and areas of use. There are cultivators with rollers, which help more effectively in breaking up larger clods of soil and, for example, in mixing fertilizer with the soil. Smooth, even soil suitable for sowing can be ensured with the help of rake sticks. You can choose from models that can be folded hydraulically or manually in different widths, for which you can find detailed information on our website.
In the agricultural sector, it is important to use time and cost-effective tools, which represent a financial investment for the company, but in return, we can do faster, more beautiful and more effective work in the long term with their help.
On the website of Agrohof Kft., you can choose from a number of tools, all of which are designed for the useful service of work.
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