Universal seed drills mounted Scorpius are available in widths of 2,5 m and 3,0 m enabling installation on power harrows. These are seed drills with traditional mechanical seeding system, with a simple, durable construction. A mechanical seed drill mounted on a power harrow, depending on the soil conditions, can be equipped with hoe coulters, single or double disc coulters. Connection of the seed drill with a power harrow is performed by a special bracket installed on the arm mounting the roller of the power harrow. The seed hopper with a "V" shaped bottom ensures complete emptying of the seed material. The drive of the sowing units is via a drive wheels and a set of chain transmissions and a 60-position continuously variable transmission. The standard equipment is hydraulic disc markers and a platform for easy loading of the hopper. Disc coulters can be optionally equipped with wheels. The main task of wheels is to maintain proper seeding depth and soil compaction over the sown grain. Soil compaction results in better access to moisture especially on sandy soils, which is very important at spreading small-seed plants e.g. rape. This affects obtaining faster and more equal emergence of sown crops. The additional equipment may be technological paths electrically controlled and markers before growth.