The conveyor digger (1-row) Upus is a one-row machine mounted on the three-point suspension system and driven by the tractor power take-off shaft. The digger is adapted for a tractor equipped with the suspension system of the II cat. The machine is equipped with wheels (metal or rubber) with adjustment of ridge digging depth. Ridge with potatoes is dug by a properly arranged share, then passed to a sieving belt. As a result of moving and shaking of the belt, the ridge is crushed and the soil is sieved through the conveyor bars with simultaneous passing of plant tuber / root dug towards the back of the machine. At the back of the digger there is a properly profiled chute grate which directs the dug potatoes onto the ridge behind the digger. The chute grate allows for such placement of dug potato tubers to limit the damage by the tractor tires during the next passing. The machine can be used on plantations with distance between rows: 62,5 – 67,5 cm. The digger may be equipped with conveyor belt with rubber cover to reduce tuber damage to a minimum.