The Casella 40 T irrigation drum has a turbine recirculation system. The turbine and high efficiency gearbox ensure high efficiency. Minimum required pressure: 3.5 bar, maximum 8 bar (see corresponding manometer). Adjustable recoil speed: adjustable from 5 to 40 m/h. Automatic stop at the end of the job: stops automatically at the end of the job. Compact dimensions, optimum weight distribution on the wheels: Easy handling and transportability. Adjustable sector sprinkler: With nozzles of different diameters. Economical and maintenance-free: Cost-effective and easy to maintain. Easy to maintain and economical. Easy and economical maintenance. Casella Macchine Agricole S.r.l. is an Italian-based company that does everything in-house, from design to construction. If you are interested in this product, you should consider buying.