BEDDING BUCKETS Multi’dis bedding Bucket The Multi’Dis is designed to spread sawdust, wood shavings, chopped straw, compost, bark and to distribute maize silage (option). It fits onto front loaders, linkage of tractors and telescopic handlers. How it works: The Bedding Bucket is especially designed to enable farmers to bed easily lying boxes, poultry houses minimizing dust. Patented and unique on the market: the hydraulically driven agitating system (High Speed Discharge System) prevents from bridging. Standard equipment Bucket with flared end. Agitating system to prevent from bridging (Patented) and synchronized with the distribution. Continuous belt with no staples. Curved and vulcanized motor roll. Bulged and vulcanized rear roller. Perforated rear extensions. Side guide belts for the belt. Right and left discharge with mechanical adjustment of the doors. Bolted adaptation.