Compact disc harrows Pegasus are universal machines that works well both in cultivation after plowing and in cultivation without plowing, also on medium, stoned soils or soils overgrown with aftercrop intended for mulch. The basic machine assemblies are the supporting frame, the disc sections (front and rear) and rear roller. In addition, it is equipped with side screens that limit the rejection of the soil by the extreme discs of the front and rear sections. Equipping the disc harrow with toothed discs with a diameter of 510 mm or 560 mm and the use of a large spacing between the front and rear disc section allows it to be used in the cultivation of fields with a large amount of plant residues, e.g. after the corn harvest for seeds. The disc section is equipped with a maintenance-free hub as a standard. In addition, each disc section is protected individually against overload by a spring or a rubber. The working depth (8 - 18 cm) is determined by positioning the rear roller. Semi-mounted compact disc harrows are adapted for transport on public roads by folding side sections. The machines are equipped with a braking system and lighting boards integrated with the tractor lighting system.